Friday, May 1, 2009

Learning Life's Plan

Today is Friday, May 1, 2009.  As I began to openly share with the world my life, I start off by saying tomorrow is not promised to anyone. A few days ago, I received a phone call about one of the greatest woman I know who celebrated life every day that she has been on this earth, my Aunt Juanita Brimmer.  17 Months ago, a cancer that she thought she had beat some 30 years ago returned with a vengeance and has left her in somewhat a vegetable state and they do not expect her to make it throughout the weekend. 

When I first heard, I immediately wanted to rush out to where she is an spend time with her, as I haven't seen her since she called and told me that the cancer was back.   The last couple of days has been mentally draining because I realized that what I put off for tomorrow should have been done today.  17 months passed and I didn't even realize it and should have made more of an effort to go visit with my Aunt.  Now I can only stand to remember her the way I've known her throughout my life and not what man's chemicals have done to her body and mind.

One thing we know about life, is that eventually it will end in death.  The variable is you don't know when or how your last day(s) will be spent on this earth.  On our tombstone, they put a "dash" between the year our life began and when it ended.  That dash represents "that space in time" when we have the opportunity to make choices and have to live with those decisions as to how we affect others.  

My Aunt Juanita Brimmer has always been a person full of life and spreading joy to those she came into contact with. Her 3 sons worships the ground she walks on and they have all grown up to be successful men and have families of their own, but never once not making sure that their mother was taken care of.  The hardest thing right now is waiting for that phone call that says she is no longer with us.  But at the same time, the pain and suffering she is going through will be over and she will be with my Uncle Sam, like she has always wanted since he passed in 2003.

So as we hustle and work our way throughout the day, doing our business and keeping up with the overflow of responsibilities and people wanting their money and you try to pay this and pay  that..know that throughout the day, life and death is happening in someone's world every 10 seconds.



  1. I am very sorry for your two lost. You have address a life noticeable fact, that people don't keep in mind often enough. We should never put off for tomorrow what we can do today. We must continue to reach out to people, and see all, love all, appreciate all during our lifetime. This is a poem from Ferna Mills that I like...
    Dear Child,

    You weren't really born. You were planted.

    You believe you were created accidentally by a freak of nature, one part of your father
    joining with one part of your mother in a random joining of genetics and nothing more. But
    oh, my sweet child, you are so wrong.

    Picture this if you will, for parables and stories are the things you seem to understand the
    most. Let's suppose you want a flower garden of your own that means something special to
    you. Growing a beautiful garden is a challenge for there are so many things that can affect
    the beauty or survival of the plants and their ability to produce substantial blooms.

    Take just one plant for example. The first thing you must do is plant the seed. It must be
    carefully planned so as not to plant too soon in winter, or too late in summer. It must be
    carefully planted in a surrounding that is productive to it's growth. Other weeds and grasses
    have to be removed and the ground in which it's planted must be fertile ground, not just
    rocks and sand.

    As the seed begins to grow, peeking its head out of the soil, you take great pride in your new
    seedling. It's YOUR creation! But you don't stop there, for if you did it would die. So you
    continue to care for your garden with nourishment, water, and much needed attention. As
    vines threaten to take over, you prune them away so your plants will continue to grow. When
    rains dry up, you add needed water. When cold winds blow, you protect it from the cold. If it
    begins to curl downward, you support it to help it grow straight and tall.

    Then one day while you are attending this creation of yours, you notice it begins to bloom.
    Pride shows on your face. On another day you see that something has been eating away at
    the leaves. Do you say it is no longer worth the effort and destroy it? Do you walk away
    letting nature take over its destruction of your creation? No, you do what you can to rid the
    plant of the vermin and save what's left of your creation. The damaged leaves must be
    removed to make the bush stronger, and as you care for it tenderly, it will continue to grow.

    Sometimes, a plant doesn't mature. For some reason, it just doesn't seem to get the chance
    to grow like the others. It grieves your heart that it didn't reach maturity, but you love it all the
    more, for the care you gave to it exceeds the care you gave to the others.

    Now, if you multiplied your efforts to a million seeds, you will have your cherished flower
    garden and understand the fullness of the love and care involved in its growth.

    Look around you and discover that you are in the middle of My great flower garden. I planted
    you in fertile ground, nourished you until you appeared in this world as a little seedling. I
    didn't forget you there and walk away. I used every resource at My command to continue to
    support you so you will be tall and strong, and to keep the vermin from destroying you. I used
    your parents to help keep you watered, nourished and protected, but they are only small
    garden tools at My command. For I am the Master Gardener. I have many tools at My

    My goal is to have you grow into something beautiful. I don't ignore any plants in My garden.
    Every one of them is precious to me. Every one created by Me. Every one as important as
    the next. I even pour out my love on the ones who don't seem to have a chance to grow. But
    I watch over My garden every moment of every day, giving My undivided attention to each
    plant, for I have a purpose for every flower in My garden. This is how important you are to

    The moment you were conceived was rejoiced in Heaven with glorious song! Your earthly
    parents were anxious that something might go wrong during your birth, as sometimes
    happens for reasons only I understand. But every seed is rejoiced in Heaven, whether it
    reaches maturity or is plucked away too soon. Even those plucked before their first breath.

    So, now that you understand you were planted by Me, loved and nurtured by Me, and a
    great source of My pride and joy, you should look to see where I planted you. Without your
    knowledge, I had a design for My garden. I planted you where you are in order to make My
    garden the most beautiful garden of all!

    Maybe I planted you high on a mountain to be closer to Me. Maybe I planted you down in a
    valley to be closer to others who need to see your beauty and be reminded of Me. Maybe I
    planted you in a crowd so your beauty could stand out above the others. Maybe I planted
    you alone for no others could compare to your beauty. You don't know why I planted you
    where I did, for you can't comprehend fully my thoughts. But know I planted you where you
    are for a reason, and I nurture you daily, and take great pride in you.

    The storms of life are sometimes unbearable, I know. But I watch over every flower. Nothing
    will ever come your way to destroy what I have created. Winds may blow you down, but I will
    lift you up. Tears may flood from your eyes, but I will allow them to water your soul. Things of
    this world will threaten to destroy you, but I will protect you and make you strong. Then, one
    day you will wither with age, but I will continue to support and care for you just as much as
    with as great a love as your first day on this earth. When I determine that your time has
    come, I will reach down with great pride and pluck you from this earthly garden, to place you
    in that Heavenly vase so you can bloom for all eternity with all of the others I have gathered

    So bloom where you were planted. Bloom for Me. For you are truly beautiful! Understand
    that I never permit my flowers to die. Even the littles ones who didn't grow to maturity, live
    forever in My heavenly vase. This earthly garden where you find yourself now is only the
    equivalent of your little greenhouse, where you start your seedlings. Yet, my heavenly vase
    is glorious and totally beyond your earthly comprehension! My flowers LIVE and THRIVE in
    My heavenly vase, nurtured and loved in this eternal place.

    Your Loving Heavenly Father

  2. You are an amazing woman of strength and character. I applaud your openess and honesty. "Live life with no regrets" is how I live each and every day. The experiences encounter in life are apart of the fabric of who we are. You will always have the support of me, Glenn and the entire BBF family.

